
Preparing Raised Beds For Winter

Spring and summer are busy gardening times involving planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting those tasty herbs and veggies. By autumn…

Mastering DIY Lawn Care

As much as we cherish our indoor gardens, we still love a lush, green lawn, don’t we? From the magical scent of fresh-cut grass to the soft…

Is Your Tree Sick? Here's How to Tell and What You Can Do to Help

Trees are an essential part of our environment and landscaping. They provide shade, release oxygen, and add beauty to our surroundings and…

Guide to Indoor Temperature for Plants

Keeping plants healthy indoors requires maintaining the right temperature. Each plant species has its own temperature needs, so knowing your…

What Is Plant Bolting and How to Prevent It

Seasoned gardeners frequently bring up the term “bolting,” which might puzzle newcomers. It has an air of Olympian athleticism about it, but…

Taking Care of Plants While On Vacation

You’ve got the hotel, the plane tickets, a plan for activities and you’re all packed, but what about your plants? If you’re anything like me…

10 Things You Need to Know When Summer Gardening Indoors

Summer’s here, and it’s the season when most plants are ready to grow and flower. Get ready to soak up the sun, even if you’re chilling…

​​Leggy Plants? What Causes It and How You Can Fix It

Leggy plants might sound exotic and even a bit sexy, but they’re often the result of being placed in a spot where the growing conditions are…

How To Start a Herbal Tea Garden

Tea has delicious flavors, delightful aromas, and various health benefits. For these reasons, it’s no surprise it’s one of the most popular…

How to Harvest Chives

There are so many reasons why we love chives. They are super easy plants to grow and work with a wide variety of dishes. For those looking…

How To Propagate Pothos

Pothos goes by many names, including Devil’s Vine, Devil’s Ivy, and Money Plant. It features heart-shaped leaves and trailing vines that…

Best Plants For Skincare

You probably don’t know it, but you can harvest great skincare ingredients right from your garden, whether they’re outdoors or indoors. We…

5 Expert Tips to Create a DIY Indoor Garden

If you’ve always wanted to grow your very own indoor garden then you’re in luck. In this article, we’ll be diving into 5 of my favorite tips…

10 Herbs You Should Grow In Early Spring

Fresh herbs add a unique flavor to any meal or beverage, though they aren’t always accessible. Even if your favorites are at your local…

World Health Day: 10 of the Healthiest Herbs and Their Benefits

Our food is made significantly tastier by the herbs and spices used to season it. If you’ve been enduring bland, tasteless meals until now…

10 Plants to Keep in Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

Picture this, you’re lying in bed ready to fall asleep, but no matter how hard you try you just toss and turn; the sweet realm of dreams is…

Pre-made Indoor Gardening Kits For Spring

If you’ve ever wanted to start gardening, but didn’t know where to start, indoor gardening kits are a great option. These kits come with…

How Plants Help Your Mental Health

There was a time when people spent most of their lives outside, enjoying everything nature has to offer. Unfortunately, with the…

7 Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera and How to Grow It Yourself

Aloe vera is called the “plant of immortality” for a reason. That’s because it’s been used for centuries for a variety of health benefits…

Basil Leaves Turning Yellow - Causes and Fixes

Basil is one of the most popular herbs found in gardens, whether outdoors or in kitchen containers. Due to its low-maintenance care, home…

Transplanting Raspberries To Grow More Fruit

Raspberries are a delicious treat with a unique flavor. You can add these little red beauties to desserts, cocktails, juices, and jams or…

Butterfly Host Plants For Your Garden

Butterfly host plants are essential to the survival and continued flourishing of most butterfly species. Without these plants, many of these…

How to Trim Basil For a Larger Harvest

The secret to growing big bushy plants is regular trimming, and basil is no exception. Some gardeners might feel a bit nervous about cutting…

How To Transplant Basil

One of the most common herbs used in cooking is basil due to the mix of sweet and spicy flavor and heavenly aroma. Though dried basil is…

​What Is Hilling Potatoes And Why Do We Do It

Potatoes are one of the most versatile vegetables for cooking and a common item in gardens around the world. Though you can stick the seed…

​​What are Bare Root Plants

When the winter starts to end, gardeners tend to get excited at the prospect of digging into the dirt again and growing new plants. Most…

Best Terrarium Plants

Plants come in all shapes and sizes, as do the container to place them in for an indoor garden. One favorite for those living in small…

Everything You Need To Know About Seed Starting Containers

Getting a seed starting container is easier than you think, even when you’re not sure how to go about it. Our list covers seed starting…

How To Choose Healthy Plants

There’s nothing worse than bringing home a new plant only to have it wilt and die after a few weeks. Though it may seem inevitable with some…

Money Saving Garden Ideas

There’s no better feeling than cutting down expenses while beautifying your home. Starting an indoor garden can often be expensive, but it…

Best Varieties Of Strawberries

There’s nothing quite like biting into a freshly grown strawberry picked straight from the vine. Strawberries are a popular plant for indoor…

3 Reasons Why You Should Propogate Your Plants

Propagation is a popular term in the gardening community, and for good reason. It’s one of the best ways to grow your garden, and grow more…

Soil Frequently Asked Questions

Most people take soil for granted, and that’s probably the most honest thing we can say as gardeners. Just like any living thing, plants…

Designing Small Spaces With Plants

When you have limited space in an apartment or small home, decorating can be a challenge. Oftentimes, tradeoffs are made to create something…

Winter Garden Frequently Asked Questions

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a bit of gardening. Even on the coldest days, you can find ways to make gardening a…

Why Soil PH Is Important and What You Can Do about It

Do you ever wonder why some plants grow better in certain soils while others seem to struggle when it comes to producing leaves, flowers, or…

Easiest Fruits To Grow Indoors

Fruit is nutritious and delicious, though your favorite options may not be available throughout the year. Rather than waiting for them to be…

How to Store Bulbs Over Winter

Storing bulbs over the winter is something that gardeners should start practicing if they want to reduce their planting expenses in the…

How To Germinate Seeds In A Paper Towel

Buying seedlings is an easy way to start a garden, though those established plants are more expensive than starting from scratch. Of course…

12 Best Decorative Indoor Plants That Are Easy To Grow

Greenery belongs just as much indoors as it does outdoors. If you live with a cold and austere interior, then it might be time for you to…

10 Reasons Why Plants Die and How To Solve Them

As any gardener can attest, sometimes it seems like your plants give up on you seemingly without reason. However, as savvy gardeners know…

Reasons Why Your Indoor Plants Aren't Growing

Nothing is more frustrating than having a plant that isn’t growing properly. There are dozens of issues that could be the cause, and it can…

14 Container Gardening Tips for Your Plants

Container gardens are an amazing way to start your garden, and let you grow plants nearly anywhere and anytime. Whether indoors or out…

What Is Bottom Watering?

Of all the aspects of indoor plant care, watering is probably one of the most difficult. Plants need water, but too much of a good thing can…

Tips For Growing Large Plants Indoors

Large plants are majestic and striking pieces that add a dose of visual interest to any garden. While often grown outdoors, large plants…

Everything You Need to Know About How to Harvest Oregano

Oregano is a famous herb that’s a staple in most kitchens across the globe. The herb has a pungent smell and comes packed with incredible…

5 Tips For Using Plants in Design

Plants and design go together hand and hand. Whether bright and colorful, or more subtle, adding foliage to your rooms can take your…

Bugs That are Beneficial to Your Garden, and How to Attract Them.

When you see bugs in your garden your first instinct might be to try and get rid of them. Hold on though, not all bugs in your garden are…

How To Protect Your Plants From The Summer Heat

Plants need plenty of warmth and light to grow, but too much heat hurts them as much as it does the gardener tending them. Consistently high…

Coffee Grounds For Succulents - Is It Good?

Fertilizing is a big part of plant care, but can be tricky for those growing succulents. These little plants are easy to burn out with…

Best Plants To Grow In Summer

As life begins to awaken from the dormancy of winter, the spring season is one of the best times for us gardeners to begin planting our…

A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Vegetables in Shade

Have you ever wanted to cultivate plants but only have space where there isn’t much light? You should consider growing different varieties…

Space Saving Ways to Grow Plants Indoors

Gardening is a fantastic way to add some life and color to your home. While many people will shy away from gardening due to lack of space…

How To Build a Terrarium

Terrariums are garden containers, usually made of glass, that partially or fully enclose their plants. They help facilitate proper growth by…

Dealing With Ants In Your Garden

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t enjoy dealing with ants. They can be pesky little creatures that seem to swarm everywhere and…

Common Plant Diseases

Diseases can affect any part of the plant, including the leaves, flowers, stems, and roots. Some diseases are more serious than others and…

Fertilizer Numbers – What Do They Mean?

Plants need the proper nutrients to survive, just like we do, which often requires the addition of fertilizer to their soil. This can be a…

All About Smart Gardening

There’s no doubt that technological advancements have made our lives better in numerous ways. A wide range of technological advances has…

Indoor Plant Leaning - Causes and Solutions

Indoor plants can make any space more inviting and comfortable adding touches of color and subtle fragrance to your home. Unfortunately…

What is Aquaponics - Beginners Guide

For thousands of years, man has cultivated crops in order to provide food for himself and his family. Since then, there have been several…

Tips For Growing Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are some of the most popular garden plants and for good reason. With a dizzying array of varieties there’s something for…

Easy Tips to Keep Your Houseplants Alive

Starting an indoor garden is a fun but oftentimes confusing process. There are a lot of things to keep in mind from temperature to lighting…

Planting San Pedro Cuttings

The San Pedro cactus is a tall, thin plant that originates in South America, particularly around the Andes Mountains. In its native home…

When To Repot Plants

Every container gardener will one day find the need to repot their plants, it’s inevitable. The trick is to know when the best time to do so…

Pet Safe House Plants

The benefits of having plants in your home are many. Not only do they improve air quality by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide…

Beginners Guide To Companion Gardening

Companion planting is one of the best ways to boost your garden’s productivity. Most plants do very well with companions, and some plants…

3 Garden Goals for Summer 2022

With summer right around the corner I thought it would be a good time to reflect on my personal goals for my garden. I came up with 3 big…

Succulents FAQ - Your Questions Answered

Are you curious about succulents but don’t know where to start? This FAQ will answer all of your questions, from what succulents need to…

10 Reasons To Grow Your Own Food

One of the biggest perks of gardening is being able to grow your own food. Having a ready supply of food is a benefit in itself, but there…

Essential Indoor Gardening Supplies

An indoor garden can have many benefits. The plants you choose can spruce up your home, adding a touch of color or aesthetic appeal to…

How To Prune Herbs for a Larger Harvest

Pruning is something that scares a lot of gardeners. The thought of taking a pair of shears to your plants and cutting them seems…

10 Easy Ways To Keep Your Indoor Garden Healthy

There’s a lot that goes into growing a healthy indoor garden. Luckily, much of the care for your garden is very easy and won’t take more…

Should You Fertilize Succulents?

Succulents are one of the most popular plants for both indoor and outdoor gardens, and for good reason. They’re often seen as “easy” plants…

Growing Morel Mushrooms Indoors

Morel mushrooms are a culinary delight, though fresh ones are tricky to find and expensive to buy. That’s why many people consider growing…

Winter Greenhouse Gardening

Greenhouses are a wonderful tool that many gardeners use to extend their growing season. Depending on the style, it’s also possible to…

What are Dioecious and Monoecious Plants

If you’ve been reading up on gardening you might have come across the terms dioecious and monoecious. These are scientific terms, and they…

Plant Feng Shui - Getting Started

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art, which involves arranging buildings and items to create balance and harmony, much like you’d seen in the…

Beginners Greenhouse - How To Plan and Build Your own Greenhouse

If you’re like me and live in an area that gets cold winters (the midwest for me), then you might be interested in setting up a greenhouse…

Best Spring Plants - Our Top Picks

Nothing brings out the beauty of spring like the flowers. As the snow melts and the sun’s rays get warmer, sprouting flowers signal an end…

What is Damping Off and How Do I Prevent It?

If you’ve tried starting your garden from seeds and have had some lackluster results then damping off may be to blame. Damping off is a…

What are Dwarf Fruit Trees?

If you’ve ever thought of growing a fruit tree but don’t have the proper outdoor environment you may have thought you were out of luck…

Houseplant Winter Dormancy - What Is It?

If you’ve been growing plants for longer than a year you may have noticed that your plants grow more slowly in the winter. In some cases you…

Plants You Should Start Growing In March

Though the first day of spring is in March, the weather may still be too cold outside to really start your garden. Of course, this doesn’t…

Growing Plants From Cuttings - Plant Propagation

There are many ways to propagate a plant, but one of the most fun and easy methods is to use cuttings. Cuttings are a great way to get more…

What Are Epiphytes?

If you’ve been gardening for some time, (or read our recent article on goldfish plants) then you may have heard the term epiphytes…

Indoor Plant Watering Tips For a Healthy Garden

Water is essential for every plant and providing the correct amount is key to keeping your garden healthy. Outdoors, nature takes care of…

6 Cactus Gardening Tips For Healthy Cacti

Cacti and succulents are interesting plants that can be extremely beautiful and easy to grow. While low maintenance, their care is a bit…

Setting Up a Water Barrel In Your Garden

Rain is essential to all types of plants as it provides the water they need to grow. While it naturally hydrates your outdoor plants, many…

Best Herbs for Cooking - Our Top 3

Herbs are a staple of all great chefs and bring a level of flavor to any dish they’re used in. As indoor gardeners, one of the perks we…

Carnivorous Plant Care Tips

Carnivorous plants are unique plants to grow and are often seen as tricky to grow.​​ This perception likely comes from the fact that these…

Carnivorous Houseplants You Can Grow At Home

Plants are usually seen as benign and unaggressive fixtures of nature. That’s not always the case though, and certain plants can actively…

What Leaves Can Tell You About a Plants Health

While your plant can’t talk, their leaves can still tell you a lot. Leaves often show signs of issues before any other part of your plant…

How Long Do Houseplants Live?

Starting an indoor garden is an excellent way to bring some greenery and life into your home. Plants are a great addition to any home, and…

Setting up an Indoor Kitchen Garden

Growing your own food is a dream for many, and one that comes with cost saving and convenience benefits. The ability to grow food from a…

5 Benefits of Having Plants In Your Home

Starting an Indoor gardening isn’t just fun, but also has numerous life benefits as well. From reduced stress, to self sustainability…

Indoor Gardening FAQ Your Questions Answered

As we’ve grown we’ve begun to see a lot of questions from our readers and followers. To help better answer these questions, we’ve put…

6 Lucky Plants To Brighten Your Home and Day

Lots of people have superstitions or good luck charms throughout their home. For many, these take the form of plants. For centuries, many…

10 Gardening Hacks Every Beginner Should Know

If you’re a gardener you’ve probably come up with your own tricks and tips to be more efficient. Everyone has their own way of doing things…

Protecting Your Plants From Winter Damage

With winter upon us it’s important to make sure that we’re protecting our plants. Depending on your plants, this could mean a little or a…

3 Plants We're Growing Indoors This Winter

With winter quickly coming upon us it’s time to start putting more focus on our indoor garden. While we’re growing indoors year round, this…

Growing Vegetables from Scraps

Whenever you use a fresh vegetable for a meal some scraps inevitably get tossed in the trash or compost bin. It seems like a huge waste and…

How to Care For a Real Christmas tree

Christmas trees are the classic icon of the season. Picking one out, bringing it home, and decorating it are traditions for many families…

Best Plants for Apartments

Many people think that just because they lack a lot of space that they can’t start a garden, but that’s simply not true. Regardless of how…

Sustainable Gardening Ideas

The effects of climate change are altering our planet in many devastating ways. While our individual impact may be small, it’s important…

2021 Gardening Holiday Gift Guide

With the Christmas season just around the corner many of you may be looking for gifts for a gardener in your life. To help, we’ve put…

Growing Tropical Plants Indoors

Tropical plants can often invoke images of bright flowers and towering greenery. While many will stand in awe at their beauty, we don’t have…

Growing Mushrooms Indoors - Overview

For those looking for a unique “plant” to grow mushrooms are quite the interesting choice. Prized for their culinary uses, mushrooms are…

Most Difficult Plants To Grow Indoors

There are a ton of plants that are perfect for indoor gardens, and many are very easy to grow. In this list we’re not going to look at those…

Protect your Garden with Flowers: Which Flowers to Grow to Deter Pests

If you’ve ever had pest problems with your garden you know how frustrating it can be. While growing indoors certainly lessens the risks, it…

9 Cute Plants You Can Grow Indoors

Indoor gardening is going strong, and thanks to social media gardeners around the world can share their plants. A great looking garden takes…

The Most Terrifying Plants You'll Ever Read About

In honor of Halloween we’re doing something a little bit different. In this article we’re going to look at some of the scariest plants on…

18 Great Fall Indoor Plants

For many gardeners, fall and winter means the end of the growing season. While there are some good fall plants like garlic, the majority of…

Cactus Plant Care Guide

Cacti are well known to thrive in places with warm and dry conditions. This is why they are often associated with dry, arid deserts. This…

Preparing Your Indoor Garden For Fall

With fall upon us it’s important to make sure our plants and gardens are prepared. While growing an indoor garden means the majority of cold…

Watering Plants On Vacation - 5 Easy Ways To Keep Your Plants Healthy

Whether you are enjoying tropical weather or the fresh powder on a mountain, there are plenty of ways for you to keep your plants hydrated…

Growing Roses Indoors

Roses, a perennial plant, are adored the world over for their beauty. Roses are a traditional sign of love and are often seen on valentines…

Planting Your First Vegetable Garden: A Beginner’s Guide

Planting a garden has several benefits. It gives you full access to an abundance of delicious vegetables and herbs whenever you like, it…

Tips for an Environmentally-Friendly Garden

There are many different garden options to choose from, including veggies, flowers, herbs, or even tropical plants. The issue is that many…

How to Get Rid of Mealybugs

Though a few mealybugs won’t do too much damage to your plants these sneaky little critters can wreak havoc on both indoor and outdoor…

5 Best Plants For Your Bathroom

The bathroom might not be the first place you think of when growing plants, but it’s often a great location if you start with the right…

Sunlight Vs Artificial Light – Which is Better for Plants?

Plants need three things to grow healthy and strong; soil, water, and of course, light. When growing indoors, lighting is often the one that…

5 Ways to Create a Plant Loving Home

Did you know that interacting with indoor plants improves your well-being? According to various research there are several benefits to…

5 Indoor Plants with Fragrance That Are Great For The Kitchen

Growing houseplants is a great way to add some life to your home. The beautiful colors are one thing, but today I want to look specifically…

Getting Started With Compost

For those looking for cheap and natural fertilizer options composting is probably the most popular choice. As gardeners, composting gives us…

Common Houseplant Problems and How To Fix Them

Whether you have a few wilting leaves or a plant that refuses to grow, issues with your plants are never fun. In this article we’re looking…

How To Keep Pests Away From The Garden

Garden enthusiasts inevitably come across pests every now and then. Usually it’s not that big of a deal, but sometimes garden pest numbers…

How To Start a Vertical Indoor Garden

While indoor gardening is a fantastic option for many, one of the biggest problems these types of gardens face is space. Indoor space is…

Indoor Gardening in Winter: 5 Mistakes To Avoid

If you’re an avid gardener growing indoors during the winter is often something you’ll be excited to do. While growing indoors can be very…

5 Fall Plants To Grow

With summer coming to close most gardeners are ready to hunker down for the long winter. While it’s true that spring is the best time for a…

Overwatering Plants - Understand Your Plant's Water Needs

Everyone knows that water is an important resource for plants and too little can be harmful. What many people don’t realize though is that…

Weed Free Garden: 7 Tips For Less Garden Weeds

Weeds, they’re the bane of every gardener and waste countless hours of valuable time. A weed free garden is every gardener’s dream, and it…

How To Get Rid Of Aphids In Your Garden

Aphids are one of the most common garden pests, both indoors and out, and have ruined many a crop. They breed quickly, and if not dealt with…

Container Gardening - Everything You Need To Know

Whether you’re growing indoors or outdoors, containers are a common way to spice up a garden. Many gardens are grown completely in…

Root Rot - What It Is and How To Prevent It

Root rot is a serious problem many gardeners face. While it can affect any type of plant, the majority of cases come from plants grown in…

The Beginners Guide To Starting an Indoor Garden

Gardening is a fun and rewarding past time enjoyed by many all over the world. There’s something empowering about growing your own plant or…

10 Common Indoor Gardening Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

Gardening is a fun and rewarding hobby to begin, but comes with some important things to keep in mind. There are a lot of potential pitfalls…

Natural Pest Control Techniques That Actually Work

Whether you’re growing your plants indoors or outdoors there’s no escaping pests and bugs. Dealing with these pests is the bane of many a…

Gardeners Guide To Soil (Indoor and Outdoors)

One of the most important pieces of any good garden is the soil. Good soil is essential to healthy plants, and using poor soil is a quick…

10 Easy Ways To Prepare Your Garden For Summer

With summer (hopefully) right around the corner it’s time to start thinking about sprucing up our lawns and gardens. It can be tempting to…

5 Simple Gardening Tips For Beginners

Gardening is a wonderful hobby that is fun, and possibly delicious, but can be intimidating to newcomers. Many people get the thought of…

5 Plants To Keep Bugs Away This Summer

With summer approaching thoughts turn to outdoor barbecues and get togethers with friends and family. With that though comes the dreaded…

4 Best Plants For People With Allergies

If you suffer from allergies you may wonder if bringing in plants into your home is a good idea. Pollen and other parts of the plants are…

How to Grow Hydroponics for Beginners

If you’ve been gardening indoors for any amount of time you’re likely to come across the term hydroponics. With it, you’ve likely heard…

4 Plants You Can Grow Today To Keep Mosquitoes Away

Summer is a wonderful time of year with outdoor activities plenty. Unfortunately summer also can mean pesky bugs that can be quite…

Moving Houseplants Outdoors During The Summer

Moving your plants outdoors during the summer is a great way to provide them with extra nutrients and help them grow. In fact, most plants…

Common Mistakes When Growing From Seeds Indoors

Growing from seeds is one of the most empowering activities you can do as a gardener. To grow something from so little into a fully…

10 Best Plants To Grow Indoors

Growing indoors can be a bit daunting for new gardeners. Outdoors plants can survive perfectly fine from the nutrients of nature; indoors…

Guide To Temperature For Indoor Plants

Everyone know that plants that experience too extreme of temperatures can die. Both temperatures too hot or cold can be dangerous for plants…

Humidity for House Plants - How To Increase Humidity for Your House plants

When brining new plants into your home most people consider important aspects like location, lighting, and watering. One item, that is no…

Starting From Seeds - Growing Indoor Plants With Seeds

One of the most exciting aspects of gardening is start from seeds and slowly turning them into a full, healthy plant. There’s something very…

Common Household Garden Pests

One of the benefits of growing indoors is the control over the climate and generally pest free environment. Unfortunately though, being…

Moving Your Garden Indoors - Indoor Winter Garden

With winter unfortunately right around the corner may gardeners will have to make the switch from outdoor to indoor gardens. While some…

Winter Care For Your Indoor Garden: Winter Proof Your Garden

With winter right around the corner again it’s time to start moving gardens indoors. For those who are already indoors, it’s important to…

Using Coffee Grounds as a Homemade Fertilizer

If you’re looking to grow a healthy and thriving garden, then you’ll need to prepare the soil to give your plants the best start to life…

5 Essential Tips For Growing an Indoor Garden

Gardening indoors can be a satisfying but sometimes tricky experience. For first-time gardeners, there’s a lot to consider, and it can be a…

Getting The Best Results When Growing Plants In Pots

One of the first things to consider when deciding to start a garden is where and how to plant your plants. Many gardeners take into…

5 Low Light Houseplants To Start Growing Today

One of the biggest issues many gardeners face (both indoor and out) is where to position their plants to make sure they get enough light…

Air Purifying House Plants for your Home or Office.

In today’s world, it is hard to escape from air pollutants. Whether it’s from the chemicals we use to clean our homes or even the furniture…

Making Your Own Mason Jar Garden

One of the great things about gardening is the creative options it gives gardeners to explore. While the choice of plants is probably the…

5 Natural Fertilizer Recipes for Your Garden

Some people equate fertilizing to feeding, and to a plant this is an apt comparison. Fertilizer is like food for your plant, and when done…

The Role of Lighting in Your Garden- How to Choose the Best Lighting for your Garden

As anyone who knows a thing about plants knows, light is one of the key components of healthy plants. Lighting can make or break your garden…

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The Indoor Gardens is a site dedicated to brining the joy of gardening to those who don’t have the luxury of outdoor space. We talk about growing and caring for plants indoors, and all the pieces that come together to make that possible.

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